Thursday, February 7, 2013


The question of increasing satisfaction in any aspect of life comes down to, choosing what to cultivate.  What would we each wish to feel more, see more, or do more of in our experience?

We can cultivate just about anything in our lives.  It is possible to cultivate skills.  It is possible to cultivate bonds with those around us.  It is possible to cultivate our career path.  It is even possible to cultivate emotional and mental states.  Yes, Joy on tap, is a real possibility.

The first step is to choose.   The second step, is to assess which direction will lead toward what we have chosen.  Remember, that the heart often makes a better compass than the head.  Then, we take a step in that direction.  Again, and again, we step, adjusting course as necessary.  No need to fear changing our mind as we go, as that's just part of the process.

Don’t know how to cultivate what you want?  No problem.  Ask for, and be willing to receive help.  After all, we are not alone.  We share a common desire to be surrounded by happiness, and nurturing each other is the path to collective happiness.

What will you cultivate?

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